18-Wheeler Accidents in Denver and What You Should Do

Whether you realize it or not, large trucks are a vital means of transporting our ever day goods and produce throughout the continental United States in a short matter of time.  Without such services, a lot of our fresh produce would not be within reach, and certain goods would simply not be made available at such frequency and volumes as we now experience. But at times, these conveniences come at a cost…  

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, out of the 34,349 motor vehicle accidents throughout the U.S. in 2016, 4,564 of those fatalities resulted from large commercial trucks.  Large commercial trucks are defined as semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, big-rigs, tractor trailers, and hazmat trucks.

If you have been involved in an accident with a large truck, you will need experienced representation, as trucking companies and their insurance carriers are notorious for trying to settle for as little as possible to avoid large judgments – not to mention the complexity that often accompanies such cases. 

Why are large truck accidents different?

Large trucks are in a category all their own, as they require trained professionals licensed to maneuver them under certain weather, road, and stress conditions. Nevertheless, the severity of an accident with a large truck may result in catastrophic or life-altering impairments. A few of the common causes of accidents with a large truck are:

  • Distracted driving
  • Failure to perform regular maintenance and inspections on the truck
  • Excessive or unsafe weight
  • Failure to observe all traffic laws
  • Operating the truck without proper rest

Of course, truck accidents are not your typical personal injury case.  Because truckers are trained professionals required to carry specific liability coverage, and due to the serious nature of their profession, trucking accidents require showing that a certain duty was breached by the trucker that led to the accident.  This can be a showing that the driver was fatigued, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, reckless, or distracted. But more so than the fault of the truck driver, there may be multiple other parties to hold liable for a large truck accident.  This may be any one, or all of the following:

  • the trucking company assigned an inexperienced driver to perform a certain delivery; 
  • the manufacturer of the truck may have been aware of a part defect, or may have manufactured the vehicle below the standard duty of care;
  • the shipping or loading company may be responsible for not properly loading the goods onto the truck;
  • the truck may not have been properly serviced and maintained. 

Of course, knowing who to hold responsible for a large truck accident requires experienced attorneys that can spot the specific cause of an accident. 

Truck Accident Injuries are no Joke

Even with certain precautions taken by both the operator of large trucks, and the operator of a typical motor vehicle, the possibility for serious injuries or even fatal accidents still exist.  Injuries from large truck accidents often amount to large medical expenses and can put an individual out of work for a prolonged period. Aside from the large medical expenses from a wide range of injuries, the injuries are often accompanied by life long pain and emotional trauma.

It is crucial that you contact an experienced personal injury attorney immediately or as soon as possible after the accident – do not wait.  You should certainly avoid speaking to the trucking company’s attorneys or their insurance agents without an attorney, as they do not have your best interest in mind and may try to persuade you that you were at fault, or that you will need to settle to avoid not getting anything. Furthermore, an experienced attorney will help you piece together all the vital evidence that you will need to prove fault in your case.

Truck Accidents Require Specialized Attention and Skills 

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident with a large commercial truck, you may have sustained serious injuries and property damage. For a free case evaluation, contact the experienced Denver attorneys at Alhasoon, Glidden and Glidden at (720) 487-1050.  We have represented clients in a wide variety of trucking accidents and have secured settlements and awards to make our clients whole.  We will vigorously represent your rights to help your recovery what you deserve.  

Wrongful Death

6 Major Causes of Wrongful Death

Every day in Colorado, someone is involved in an accident that leads to serious injuries or even death due to someone else’s negligent, reckless, or bad conduct. This is where wrongful death lawsuit comes into the picture. A wrongful death lawsuit is a complex lawsuit brought by a spouse, children, or parents of a loved one for a wide variety of intentional, negligent, careless, or reckless acts that resulted in their loved ones death. Although auto accidents are a leading cause of negligent fatalities, wrongful death lawsuits result from a variety of causes.

Top six causes of wrongful death

The cause of wrongful death can be accredited to several types of conduct, all of which are due to another person or company’s negligent or willful conduct. The following six categories are the leading contributors of wrongful death.

  • Automobile Accident: These are some of the most common wrongful death cases, and tragically, also the most avoidable. Increasingly, drivers are held liable for wrongful death because of their distracted driving. Operating a vehicle and not observing all traffic laws is below the standard of care expected of a driver. However, using a cell phone, putting on makeup, eating, or any number of other activities that takes your eyes off the road can be classified as reckless, and often leads to serious life-threatening accidents.
  • Medical Malpractice: This is when a licensed medical practitioner breaches the standard of care that is required by their specific practice. If a doctor fails to abide by the standard of care for the procedure they are performing, they can be held liable for the negligence that lead to their patient’s death. Examples of a medical procedure that falls below the standard of care may be a surgery that deviates from the medically accepted procedure, when medication is prescribed for a condition that does not require the prescription, or when the physician’s medical diagnosis leads to the death of a patient for something that was avoidable, discoverable, or preventable.
  • Trucking Accident: Truck accidents are similar to automobile accidents, with a twist. Someone operating a truck can be held liable for wrongful death if they breach their duty to observe all traffic laws and operate their large truck in a safe manner. But more so, truck drivers are professionally licensed and have a duty to operate their large truck with more care than the typical automobile because of the weight and danger of large trucks. If a truck driver fails to observe certain rules of the road, it can easily result in a fatal accident.
  • Workplace Accident: Injuries and wrongful death cases are more common in high risk industries such as construction, but they can happen anywhere that heavy machinery or heights are involved. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 63.7% of worker fatalities occurred in the construction industry, while 38.7% of those injuries were due to falls. A workplace that does not take the proper precautions or provide the proper level of training may be liable for the wrongful death of their employees.
  • Product Liability: If a company that sells products for public consumption is made aware of dangerous defects of their products, and fails to make reasonable attempts to warn their consumers of the defect, or recall the product, they can be held liable for any wrongful death that results from the use of their product.
  • Criminal Activity: Any individual that kills someone in the commission of a crime can be held liable for the wrongful death of a loved one.

Our attorneys at Alhasoon, Glidden and Glidden have handled a wide variety of causes of wrongful death, throughout a wide range of industries, and know the ins and outs of handing such complex cases.

If you have lost a loved one due to someone’s negligent behavior, we extend our deepest condolences. In times like these, you need a committed partner to guide you through the complex process of recovering for the loss of your loved one and holding the responsible parties accountable. Time is of the essence! Call the attorneys at Alhasoon, Glidden and Glidden today (720) 487-1050 to set up a free consultation. We will work vigorously to make sure the responsible parties are held accountable – we don’t get paid until you get paid!

Truck Accident Attorneys

8 Things You Need to Know about Heavy Trucks to Avoid Any Tragedy

In Colorado, large trucks are everywhere, performing necessary daily functions – without them, many luxuries and conveniences simply wouldn’t exist. Garbage trucks, dump trucks, tank trucks, box and semi-trucks, all fall under the classification of heavy trucks that are in a category all their own when it comes to their operation. These heavy trucks require skill and licensing to maneuver, but more so, they require a specific level of care to avoid injuries or fatalities of pedestrians and passenger vehicles.

We see them all over the roads, and passing them is sometimes scary and imposing, but most people never stop to consider how dangerous being within the proximity of a heavy truck can be. Here are eight items you may have never considered about heavy trucks:

  1. They have serious Blind Spots: Although heavy trucks have several large and small mirrors to detect the vehicles surrounding them, that does not mean they can see everything. When you are near a heavy truck, we recommend you keep a safe distance. If you are passing a truck, do so quickly to avoid being beside them in a blind spot. If they are trying to turn into your lane, allow them to do so – don’t speed up to pass them, as they might not be able to see you.
  2. They are more prone to Rollovers: Because heavy trucks have a high center of gravity, if an operator loses control, starts sliding sideways, or takes a turn too sharply, the truck is at an increased risk of rolling over. Rollovers are the most common causes of accidents and fatalities and can be avoided with a high level of care.
  3. Their brake system may Malfunction: Most heavy trucks use air brakes, which are designed to stop an 80,000 lb. truck going 35 mph within 100 feet. In the likelihood that the air brake system malfunctions, the truck can be almost impossible to stop. That is why it is so important for the truck driver or company to inspect the braking system frequently.
  4. Their Tires Bald or Blowout much faster: Because heavy trucks travel long distances, frequently, and transport a lot of weight, the tires tend to wear-out fast, leading to an increased risk of tire blowouts. Again, proper inspection of the tires prior to every trip is vital to maintain safety.
  5. They are Overloaded with Cargo sometimes: In Colorado, the maximum gross weight allowance of a heavy truck is 80,000 lbs. If a truck exceeds that weight, it may become even more difficult to maneuver and control, and may lead to the driver losing control of the truck.
  6. They take Swinging Turns to maneuver effectively: For truck drivers to maneuver effectively on roadways and small streets, they sometimes must swing their truck around in the opposite direction before taking a wider turn. If you happen to be in a truck’s blind spot when this happens, you may get hit. Conversely, if a truck does not turn wide enough, they may risk scraping cars beside them.
  7. The items they transport are sometimes Unsecure: If the company or individuals loading the truck, or securing items to the truck are not cautious, there is a risk of items falling from the truck and striking other vehicles, or littering the streets. This is extremely dangerous, as heavy trucks sometimes transport items such as steel and construction materials that can pose a huge safety hazard to other vehicles on the road.
  8. Weather Conditions: Wind, snow, and ice are a heavy truck’s weakness. In bad weather conditions, you may see heavy trucks pulled to the side of the road to let the weather conditions pass, as heavy trucks are often most vulnerable and prone to accidents in these types of conditions.

If you have been involved in an accident with a heavy truck, you will need the help and expertise of an experienced attorney. Without a lawyer by your side to advocate for your interests, the truck company and its attorneys may try to negotiate a low settlement and cheat you out of damages you are entitled to.

Contact the Denver personal injury attorneys at Alhasoon, Glidden and Glidden at (720) 487-1050 for a free consultation. We have fought tough cases against many trucking companies and understand how they work and will fight vigorously to recover every dollar you are owed.